Saturday, January 19, 2013

Brain Anatomy

The brain has a complicated anatomy. If you remove both left and right cerebral hemispheres of the brain, it exposes many other structures. Some of them have mass and are bigger like the thalamus and some are just a few nerve fibers inside of the larger structures and are only appealing to microscopes. 
The brain anatomy

The brain's parts can be sorted in a few ways and in all of these systems, the cerebral cortex(wrinkled layer) is the dominant structure. The cerebrum is divided into 2 halves, the right and left hemispheres which are linked by nerve fibers. In between the brain contains the hippocampus, thalamus, hypothalamus, and the amyglada, all known as the diencephalon(in between brain). To the naked eye, most of the brain shows as "islands" of gray matter located inside the nerve fiber's white matter. 

Thalamus:A major processing area for inputs to the cerebral cortex.
Amyglada: Part of the limbic system involved in learning and emotions.
Hippocampus: Another part of the limbic system which is deeply involved with short-term memory.

credits: The human Brain by Rita Carter 

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Nervous System

 The nervous system is the body's main communication and control system. Nerves lead from each of your sensory organs to the brain in a whole process of chemical and electrical impulses. The nervous system contains the peripheral nervous system (PNS)and the central nervous system(CNS).

Nervous System
The CNS is made of the brain and the spinal chord which are protected by the skull and the spine. The PNS is rather complicated because it is all the nerves. 12 pairs of cranial nerves(nerves extending from brain) and 31 pairs of spinal nerves(nerves from the spinal chord) are contained in the PNS. Both the CNS and PNS work together for sense where nerves pick up messages and senses and send them up the spinal chord(nerve impulses) and to the brain. They both control the skeletal or movement system as well as a series or actions you are unconscious of sometimes in the autonomic system.

Nerves communicate using a synapses where chemical and or electrical signal are sent up from neuron to neuron. The spinal chord is made of nerve fibers and is barely the width of a pencil. Some nerves include the optic nerve (visual information, cranial) tibial nerve (nerve in your shin, spinal) Olfactory nerve (smell information, cranial) and many more. The longest cranial nerve is the Vagus nerve which stretches out from the brain stem to the involuntary organs (heart, lungs, etc.).

With different parts and functions the nervous system is a vast network in our body with 86 nerves,  43 on each side of the body. Without this vast network we can not move, sense, and live.